Friday, May 6, 2011

Just Call Me Angel

I love that car commercial (I think it is for the Toyota Highlander) where the parents were singing "Just call me Angel of the morning, Angel..."  That song is stuck in my head all the time.  Sometimes, I look for opportunities to just belt it out at the top of my lungs.

Last week, Jacob had a robotics class at Carnegie Mellon University.  While Nathan I were walking around the campus getting snacks for Jake and the rest of us, we were goofing around, joking around and saying silly stuff to passers by (mostly me).  At one point, I was a few steps ahead of Nate and as I walked passed a campus police woman, I said to her, "I think someone's following me."  She got a good chuckle out of it.  Nathan was pretty embarrassed by it.

Since he knew where we were and where we needed to go to get back to everyone else, he started walking ahead of me.  So I just kept saying and singing strange, punny things.  One guy heard our dialog (mostly a monologue with Nathan replying "Dad!!!!...")  The guy kept looking back and laughing.  Finally the 3 of us got to our building at about the same time.  Just before the guy entered the door, I started singing, "Just call me angel, of the morning."  At this point the man was completely in the building with the doors closed and we were still outside.  The man turned around, opened the door and sang with me, "Angel..."  Tammie and Paige saw it all happen.  We all got a good chuckle out of it.

Tonight the whole family went grocery shopping at Giant Eagle.  I was walking through in my usual manner singing along to the music that was playing on the store music system.  Paige was utterly embarrassed.  She was begging me to stop.  Finally Angel of the Morning came to mind so I started singing it.  Paige was really embarrassed.  So I took it one step higher.  I changed the words a bit.  Instead of:

Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

I was singing:

Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
just brush my teeth before you leave me, baby.


Just call me angel of the morning ANGEL
just floss my teeth before you leave me, baby.

Paige loved it and for the rest of the shopping trip joined me in singing it.

My kids complain that when I'm goofing around I embarrass them.  I think it's my job as a dad :)

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