So, we've decided to prepare to buy a farm; most likely a small one. Our plan, currently, is to spend the next 10 - 12 months getting our current house ready to go on the market. There isn't a lot to do. We mainly have to touch up a few spots with a little spackle, revisit our landscaping (we have a hillside in our back yard that won't grow grass) and paint just about every room (since we put a lot of color on the walls in just about all rooms). We also plan to use that time to save some more money for our down payment.
But we need to get to work. For the outside work, I'm waiting until the weather breaks a little. A couple of warm days without rain sure would be nice. For the inside work, we might buy our first gallons of paint this week. One thing for sure, we need to start putting together a plan/schedule so that we don't get to January next year and not have any of the work done.
We are having a lot of fun searching the real estate websites for what is out there and in our price range. We've even done a drive by of one house (one that we aren't really interested in). There are some gems out there and there are some losers too. The old adage holds true. When considering what house to buy the 3 most important things are location, location and location. Most of the farms that we've seen online are in areas that are either on the edge or outside of our desired location circle.
My wife and I have both had this dream for at least 4 or 5 years. And recently, both of us have had strong urges that it is time. There is one thing that we're doing differently this time compared to other major decisions that we've made. We are taking our time. We could probably hurry up and get our house on the market and make it happen this year. But it would be a rush and a struggle. We'd have to spend just bout every free moment for the next month working on our tasks. Then we'd put the house on the market. If we got an offer quickly, we'd be in a bind because we would have no place to move. That's because we'd have no time to find the right farm, because we've been working on this house and not looking at others. So we'll plan and wait until next year.
Some things I know for sure... we'll have to be disciplined and the Lord will have to bless the efforts.
Then to figure out what we'll farm... maybe just a big garden.
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