I've been involved in software quality assurance since 1998. You could make the argument that I accidentally ended up here; though I must give the credit to God for providing in amazing ways. But I'm good at it and I love doing it.
I've never really studied software quality assurance principles or methodology. It just comes to me naturally. You might say that I'm made to do this. I think this way. I live this way. Those things that make me quirky to live with also make me good at my profession.
Recently, I've begun reading books and websites on software development life cycle, software development, testing and other related technological themes. The more I read, the more I feel like saying, "just do it." I just want to test. I just want to do what I'm good at.
So the question that I'm wrestling with is: do I need to know the principles and methodology academic details and be able to speak on a theoretical level to be good and to be considered an expert? Or is it enough to let the results speak for themselves? Results and leadership have served me well to this point. Can I continue to progress in my career and excel on skill and experience alone? Or do I need to continue reading and studying to take it to the next level?
I'm not against studying about software quality. I'm just not finding it to be helpful for me yet.
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