Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Waist is a Terrible Thing to Mind and Other Musings About Getting Old

Getting old(er) stinks.  But it beats the alternative.  I'm not out of shape, but I'm not in shape either.  I've been playing basketball 2 - 3 times a week with the guys at work.  And now I have shin splints.  Sometimes they hurt so bad that I consider cutting my legs off.  Today, I ran 2 miles on the treadmill after work.  My shin splints were killing me.  But it felt so good to run.  I would have actually run a little more, but I had to make my appointment with the chiropractor.

I have decided to lose 10 pounds before our anniversary on June 11th.  I'm just not happy with how I feel or look.  I had already been down to my goal weight a few years ago and I felt really good there.  But it is a tough weight for me to maintain.

And then there's my niece and her daughter... recently, at a family event they were laughing at how grey my hair has become.  It doesn't matter that I started going grey when I was 24 years old.  What matters is that I'm very grey now.  Now I refuse to color my hair, so that leaves me with 2 options... 1. go with the grey or 2. cut it all off.  Well, for now, I've opted for option 2.  I didn't shave it off, but I did give myself a buzz cut.  I think i'll just let it grow back in and go with option 1.

Oh, Amy and Bailey... you're out of my will... and I'm old, so that might be important soon.

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