Thursday, March 31, 2011

Droidazon (Droid and Amazon)

I used to have an iPhone 3G.  I loved it, but I hated AT&T's coverage.  In November, we switched to Verizon and bought Droids.  I absolutely love my Droid X.

One of my only complaints about the Droid / Android / Google is that I haven't found a good method of syncing apps and music.  This was painfully  revealed to me when the SD card in my DX died.  Instead of just replacing the SD card, VZW flashed my DX and then when that didn't fix the problem (as I told them it would not) they replaced the SD card.  Even though Google keeps record of your apps, I lost a few apps that were no longer available on the Android market.  And I had to recreate my music library on my phone.

Well there may be hope.  Recently (today, as far as I am aware) Amazon, stepped up their activity in the Android world.  They introduced an Android market of their own, with an app to browse the market and install apps to your phone.  The cool thing is that, at least for now, they're giving away a new free app each day... some as costly as $5.  Then they also launched the Amazon Cloud Drive, where you can store music and files (up to 5 GB) for free.  Once you put your music there, you can stream it to your phone through the Amazon MP3 app.  If you buy your MP3s from Amazon, they go to your Cloud Drive automagically AND they don't count against your drive quota.

Pretty cool.  Well done, Amazon.

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